So besides Be A Number I have not been up to much. We just recently had a dog. It was a Boxer. Wow. So we got this dog when it was 3 - so it wasn't a puppy or anything. His name was Lenny and he loved to eat, poop everywhere, sleep and tear the house up. Now, for the first week or so this was OK because me and my housemates were convinced that we could break his bad habits. He was getting better... and then he went crazy lol. He actually had separation anxiety so whenever we would leave to go to football he would freak out. So after a while we just couldn't handle him so we found him a good home where someone will always be with him. BUT before he left he left us a few parting gifts haha. My friend was actually home at the time - but he was upstairs. I leave for about 15 min. and I come back and find the biggest duce I have ever seen on the floor - and actually one of my other friends had come home and stepped in it! I have NO clue how he first could not smell it when he first walked in. I was actually hit with a wave of

I am so excited for Christmas! Happy Holidays!
Listening 2: KID CUDI - UP UP AND AWAY
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